I logged into the forum using the UN/PW that was used to purchase which is different from my own personal forum login. Then went to the My Subscription page. Entered the domain in the Subscription attached to field because it was blank then hit the Save icon over on the right side of the page. Then the message appeared that said "Successfully attached to your subscription". Then I went back into the Joomla Admin and no more error message when I went to update Hikashop.
Wish you told me to do this in the first place so we wouldn't have had to go back and forth with messages a couple times.
nicolas wrote: Because that error happens because when the Joomla updater retrieves the xml on our website, our website checks that the subscription is valid. If you don't enter the correct URL on our website with the account which made the purchase, this won't happen.
Also, if you download the install package on our website with the account which made the purchase and install it on your website, it will refresh the subscription information of the updater automatically for you.
So please follow our directions or you won't have your problem resolved.