Here are the strings:
HIKA_CARTNOTIFICATION_POSITION_DESC="The notification can be diplayed on multiple position. If set to 'none', no notification box will be displayed"
CHECK_FREQUENCY="Check frequency"
CHECK_FREQUENCY_DESC="The number of milliseconds between each check of new orders"
ORDER_NOTIFY_STATUS="Notification statuses"
ORDER_NOTIFY_DESC="When an order's status changed to one of the enabled statuses in that column the administrator / vendor will receive a notification popup"
NOTIFICATION_MP3="Notification mp3"
NOTIFICATION_MP3_DESC="Enter here the relative path of a mp3 file to play when a new order is received. If empty, no sound will be played."
ORDER_X_WITH_PRICE_Y_IS_NOW_Z="Order %s (%s) is now %s"
NO_NEW_ORDERS="No new orders"
ORDER_PLACED="Order notification"
ORDER_PLACED_ON_THE_WEBSITE="Order placed on the website"
The plugin is a normal joomla plugin. So like all the plugins, its translation file is in administrator/language/en-GB/ and the name of the plugin "plg_system_ordernotify" is in the name of the file.
Actually, reading your message, I took some time to translate the plugin to french so if you just download it again on our website and install it on yours, you'll have it translated to French.