Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for replying
Could you provide more information on each detected item ?
Because with just "default-src 'unsafe-inline'" I can't say anything useful.
The report doesn't tell from which pages the 'unsafe-inline', 'unsafe-eval' directives are coming, only that they are detected by the wizard.
Vulnerable to what ? CSP is an extra layer of security on your website.
Not having CSP configured on your website doesn't necessarily means that your website is vulnerable to anything.
Also whitelisting things you know are safe shouldn't be a problem. For example, the hikashop.js file of HikaShop is safe as you know it comes from us. The goal is mainly to restrict the domain names from where javascript can be loaded on your pages. That way, if some hacker tries an attack where it forces your users to load a javascript file from a server of the hacker, it will fail.
I'm trying to make a list of all domains used by added components, etc. that can be whitelisted. If I miss some and activate the CSP there will be a chance that the website isn't working as it should
I don't know. Are there specific areas of HikaShop that don't work properly on your website without these directives ?
Can't tell, because the CSP is in report-only mode now. In the directive 'script-src' I whitelisted cdn.hikashop.com, but don't know if this is the only domain you use and also don't know if Hikashop is using inline scripts and/or styles.
Hope you understand my questions, because the website has been checked by a security scan and they told us to activate CSP. (but not how!)