There is no direct way to do it.
What you could do is to :
- Create an unpublished category called "out of stock".
- Then, in the System>Mass actions, create a mass action to add the out of stock category to the products when their stock reach 0.
- Then, in the System>Mass actions, create another mass action to remove the out of stock categoryfrom the products when their stock is greater than 0.
- You could configure these mass actions with a trigger like every hour, to update the status of the products periodically.
- Create a menu item of the type "products listing" in order to list your products and turn off its "out of stock" setting. That way, the menu item will only display the products with stock
- Create a HikaShop content module via the joomla modules manager, configured to display all the products of that out of stock category, and configure it to display in a position of your template below the main area, and configure its menu assignment to be displayed only for the menu item of the previous step, and with only it's "products listing" display setting activated among the display settings.
That way, on that menu item, you'll have first a listing of the products in stock (displayed by the menu item), and then a listing of the out of stock products (displayed by the module).