Does your template override the "yes/no" buttons ?
I'm currently making the integration of the product edition from HikaMarket into the HikaShop backend and I realized that the "yes/no" button from the isis template and not working while creating them dynamically.
In the view "productmarket | variant", you can replace
<dd class="hikamarket_product_published"><?php echo JHTML::_('hikaselect.booleanlist', "data[variant][product_published]" , '', @$this->product->product_published); ?></dd>
<dd class="hikamarket_product_published"><?php echo JHTML::_('select.booleanlist', "data[variant][product_published]" , '', @$this->product->product_published); ?></dd>
in order to use the default Joomla "yes/no" button and not use the bootstrap styled "yes/no".
Logically these button should work without any activation, just with their "onclick" events, but it is possible that something from your template is affecting the "yes/no" and require a special js activation.