To have an "apply" and "save", you have to edit the view "components/com_hikamarket/views/categorymarket/view.html.php" and modify the toolbar in the "form" function with that
$this->toolbar = array(
'cancel' => array(
'url' => hikamarket::completeLink('category&task=listing&cid=' . $category->category_parent_id),
'icon' => 'back',
'name' => JText::_('HIKA_BACK')
'apply' => array(
'url' => '#apply',
'linkattribs' => 'onclick="return window.hikamarket.submitform(\'apply\',\'hikamarket_categories_form\');"',
'icon' => 'apply',
'name' => JText::_('HIKA_APPLY'), 'pos' => 'right'
'save' => array(
'url' => '#save',
'linkattribs' => 'onclick="return window.hikamarket.submitform(\'save\',\'hikamarket_categories_form\');"',
'icon' => 'save',
'name' => JText::_('HIKA_SAVE'), 'pos' => 'right'
But there is no management of "save & new" in the category controller so adding that button will require a new feature, yes.
About the "save" (save & close), you will see that when it close, you will be redirected to the category you have created, so you will see his content.
That effect was mostly why I didn't put "apply/save" before, because I'm not fan of it.