I will introduce the modification for order_number in the next HikaMarket release.
About the email, the vendor receive the same emails than the administrator but it is something you can change in the class (which is planned to be moved into an option).
You will find in the file "administrator/components/com_hikamarket/classes/mail.php" this code
private $orderEmails = array(
'order_admin_notification' => 1,
'order_cancel' => 0,
'order_creation_notification' => 0,
'order_notification' => 0,
'order_status_notification' => 0
Each time an email is sent for a suborder, HikaMarket will catch it.
If the email name is listed, the email won't be send to the user.
If the associated value is "1", the email will be send to the vendor instead of the user (or the administrator).
If the associated value is "0", the email is destroyed. Nobody will receive it (Attention: I am talking about the email for the sub order, not the email for the main order).
You can change the configuration in the file in order to not send the administrator status notification to the vendor but redirect the user configuration email (for the sub order) to the vendor.
And when we will have a good idea of how better manage these emails, we will add an interface into HikaShop/HikaMarket in order to have something more dynamic.