Thanks, I now see the problem but to know how to solve it, I need to understand "who" generate you this link.
Where do you have the link exactly ?
It should be the Joomla menu itself, I think it is something else.. But which one ?
The problem is that, your alias contains a dash.
The dash is used in Joomla SEF to separate the key from his value.
If you want to "SEF" "index.php?option=com_hikamarket&ctrl=vendor&task=show&cid=2" the SEF will work like that :
The first parameter indicate that we pointed to a component, the next three parameters are the "option, ctrl, task".
And after that, it has to encode extra parameters with the format "key-value".
So instead of having "cid=2" you will have "cid-2"
With your SEF url, there is a dash in the first place and I think that the router does not appreciate that.
So I have first to understand who generate the links, to know how the link was generated in order to fix the HikaMarket router ; trying to support this kind of SEF structure.
If possible, an FTP access to your website will help us to make some tests directly in the HikaMarket router. To see the data received and understand why it is not processed correctly.