I am currently making some tests in order to modify the HikaMarker router so the future SEF url won't contain the "market" anymore.
But it is also require to add a support of this "market" word in the url, so please edit the file "components/com_hikamarket/hikamarket.php" and replace
if(!empty($view) && !JRequest::getCmd('ctrl')) {
JRequest::setVar('ctrl', $view);
$layout = JRequest::getCmd('layout');
if(!empty($layout)) {
JRequest::setVar('task', $layout);
if(!empty($view) && !JRequest::getCmd('ctrl')) {
JRequest::setVar('ctrl', $view);
$layout = JRequest::getCmd('layout');
if(!empty($layout)) {
JRequest::setVar('task', $layout);
} else {
$ctrl = JRequest::getCmd('ctrl');
if(!empty($ctrl) && substr($ctrl, -6) == 'market')
JRequest::setVar('ctrl', substr($ctrl, 0, -6));
It should fix your problem ; and the next HikaMarket release would improve the generated SEF urls.
Sorry for the inconvenient.