Create categories for vendors
Create automatically a category for the vendor. The category would be create in the "parent category for vendors"
Each time a vendor is created, his "vendor category" is created too.
It is an HikaShop category, like every other categories.
Ok ?
Parent category for vendors
The parent category for vendors is the category where the "vendor categories" would be create.
When the vendor category is created, HikaMarket have to know where it will create it.
This option indicate the parent category. So the "vendor category" will be a child of the selected category.
If you have selected the category called "vendor categories", HikaMarket will create the categories under this one.
Change vendor root category
You can change the root category for vendors. It means that vendors could only see products and categories which are in their "root category".
You can set the "vendor home" and it would use automatically the "vendor category" previously created.
It means that HikaMarket look at the vendor category (thanks to his category namekey) and block the vendor into this specific category. It looks in every HikaShop categories to find the vendor category. Which is means that if you
move the category like you can move every categories in HikaShop (by changing the parent of a category), it will continue to work properly.
moving a category
Just change the "parent category".
So, edit the category of your "vendor 1" and change his parent to be the category "Epinal".
That's it !