Since my first message, I just need just one single option : "modules under the vendor page".
If you do not configure it, for sure, it won't work.
Because it is this specific option which make the display of the product listing under the vendor page.
Modules under the vendor page - Select the different modules that you want to display under the vendor product page.The product listing modules with the synchronization activated would be synchronize with the vendor.
So please, check that option and configure it by adding the module in the list.
If you did not follow the vendor tutorial for the vendor page, you can be sure that it won't work
When your module is ready, you can configure the option Modules under the vendor page in the HikaMarket configuration (tab Market).
I do not need to login to take a look because I already see your vendor page and I see that there is no module configured under the vendor page.
I need you to understand what this option is so you will be able to use it.
My goal is not to configure you your store, it is to help you to use HikaMarket and the way that the option "modules under the vendor page" works, is the exact same thing than the HikaShop option "modules under the product page" or the module association in the HikaShop menus.
Once you will understand how the modules association works, you will be able to do a lot of things in HikaShop/HikaMarket.