For the fix, please edit the file: "administrator/components/com_hikamarket/classes/vendor.php".
In the function "register" replace
$status = $this->save($vendor);
if($status) {
$status = $this->save($vendor);
if($status) {
// Reset vendor in session
hikamarket::loadVendor(false, true);
About the email, HikaMarket allows the email overrides thanks to HikaShop.
You can find all HikaShop/HikaMarket emails in the menu "System > emails" and customize the emails like you want.
My goal is to propose a default email which is "good for a start".
So thanks for your feedback, it is helpful !
The view "vendormarket / after_register" is used after the vendor registration ; and like the HikaShop view "user / after_register", the current view is empty but can be overridden and customized.