Using an HikaShop filter module on the vendor page is possible but it requires few modifications in HikaShop.
The HikaShop filters have been design to be displayed only on the HikaShop listing pages and not in other components.
So, even if you can display the module, it will redirect the customer to an HikaShop product listing (depending the module configuration).
First, in the view "product / filter", you have to edit the view in order to authorize the submission of the filters on the HikaMarket vendor page.
The easier will be to replace :
$url = preg_replace('#&return_url=[^&]+#i','',$url);
$url = preg_replace('#&return_url=[^&]+#i','',$url);
if(JRequest::getVar('option','') == 'com_hikamarket' && JRequest::getVar('ctrl','') == 'vendor') {
$url = hikashop_currentURL();
$url = preg_replace('#&return_url=[^&]+#i','',$url);
Then in the file "components/com_hikashop/views/product/view.html.php", replace
if(hikashop_level(2) && JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main',0) && JRequest::getVar('task','listing')!='show'){
if(hikashop_level(2) && JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main',0) && (JRequest::getVar('task','listing') != 'show' || JRequest::getVar('force_using_filters', 0) === 1)) {
(that modification will be include in the next HikaShop release).
And finally, you can override the view "vendormarket / showcontainer_default" and replace
<div class="hikamarket_submodules" id="hikamarket_submodules" style="clear:both">
if(!empty($this->modules)) {
<div class="hikamarket_submodules" id="hikamarket_submodules" style="clear:both">
if(!empty($this->modules)) {
JRequest::setVar('force_using_filters', 1);