There is no setting in the current HikaMarket version to override the max upload file size per vendor group.
In HikaShop 3.5.0, the uploader javascript library got an update with various improvements ; one of them was a better support of the upload limitations (know the different between the server limitation and the limitation we want).
In HikaMarket, there is some "waiting" code in order to have an upload limitation size in the server side.
The idea is to modify the line
$options['max_file_size'] = null;
in the HikaMarket product controller.
But the user won't see that upload limitation since it's all coming from the uploader javascript lib which is in HikaShop.
I think that it would require some modifications in the HikaShop uploader type so it would have options to tweak these values.
But, if you do set the max_file_size in HikaMarket, the restrictions will be applied on server side, so the upload will be refused if the file is bigger than the set-up value (that you can make it dynamic depending the vendor group).
Of course the best would be to have an options like the other "vendor options" that you can find in the HikaMarket backend ; but I would highly prefer to also have the option available in the uploader type so the vendor will be aware of the restriction before it starts the upload and more than a text within the uploader zone.