Hello, I want to ask how I can fix the following problem. I override the file /administrator/components/com_hikamarket/types/namebox.php but I get multiple errors like this: Class "hikamarketNameboxType" not found. All other overrides work fine any ideas how to fix it. I want to replace oTree image folder path by changing this code
$namebox_options = array(
'mode' => $typeConfig['mode'],
'img_dir' => HIKAMARKET_IMAGES, //must be replaced
'map' => $map,
'min' => $shopConfig->get('namebox_search_min_length', 3)
if there is a way to change from this code that would be great
echo $this->nameboxType->display('data[product][categories]',$categories,hikamarketNameboxType::NAMEBOX_MULTIPLE,'category',array('delete'=>true,'sort'=>true,'root'=>$this->vendorCategories,'default_text'=>JText::_('HIKA_NONE')));