The currency set in the vendors is to handle payouts of their commissions in the appropriate currency.
But the prices of the products on the frontend is dictated by one current currency.
This currency can be switched with the HikaShop currency switcher module, which you can configure in the Joomla modules manager.
This means that you can't have several currencies at the same time for different products.
You can also use the geolocation plugin so that the current currency is set based on the IP address of the user when he arrives on the website. So, someone in Germany would see the prices in EUR, and someone in Poland would see the prices in PLN.
But that all means that the products with prices in PLN will get their prices displayed in EUR if the user has the EUR currency as his current currency, and the products with prices in EUR will get their prices displayed in PLN if the user has the PLN currency as his currency currency.
I'm afraid I don't have a solution to propose in order to do exactly what you want. That's because, when the payment is made at the end of the checkout, you can only have one payment in one currency. So the whole shop is made to display the prices in one currency at a time.
But, since your situation is about an intranet-shop, maybe alternatives might be viable ? For example, you could remove (or hide, with a bit of CSS) the normal prices, and instead use a custom field of the table "product" to fill the price display for each product. That way, you would have all the liberty you want to display a price in each product. You could even auto fill this field with mass actions based on the product_vendor_id and the price of the product with an action "update the values" on the custom field column and some operation like:
CONCAT('{product.price_value}',' EUR')