That should only be the case if you already had the address already in the system If you create a new address and use it, you should get the shipping methods.
If you use the latest version 1.3.9 or above, you need to change the code
if(!empty($order->shipping_address) && !empty($order->shipping_address->address_state)){
$fieldClass = hikashop::get('class.field');
$fields = $fieldClass->getData('frontcomp','address');
if(in_array('address_state',array_keys($fields)) && !empty($order->shipping_address) && !empty($order->shipping_address->address_state)){
in the file administrator/components/com_hikahsop/classes/zone.php near line 70 and that should fix the problem.
For previous versions you need to edit the file plugins/hikashopshipping/manual.php and do the same change.