I've installed the UPS shipping plugin for Hikashop, and get the following error in the checkout process on the front end:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/66/9214366/html/newsite/plugins/hikashopshipping/ups/ups.php on line 425
Fatal error: Class 'dbug' not found in /home/content/66/9214366/html/newsite/plugins/hikashopshipping/ups/ups.php on line 953
Using Hikashop 1.5.8 on Joomla 2.5.6
You can see the site (in progress) here:
The plugin configuration isn't complete -- the UPS account information still needs to be added. Is that the likely cause of this error, or is it something else?
Edited to Add: I'm using the plugin file called ups_2012-07-05.zip