Business 1.4.4
Unfortunately the problems have not stopped there. When we save the menu and we associate with a module we receive the following message:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for hikashopMenusClass::createAssocModule(), called in administrator/components/com_hikashop/controllers/menus.php on line 22 and defined in administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/menus.php on line 249
In fact in the menus controller line 22 only the $id variable is passed to the function createAssocModule, instead of the $params and $id. This means that in the function createAssocModule(&$params,$id) line 249 &$params is being set as the $id value passed from the controller and $id is missing.
When the module is saved no params are saved in the database and when you try clicking on the menu link in the front end you get 500 message because it can not find the params to correctly build the database call.