I logged into the backend today and ran into an issue on a beta site we are developing with Hikashop. We have been using Virtuemart but found it buggy and found Hika to be a very sleak and fit our needs well. Having said that. I am unable to get to the 'admin' section on hikashop. We have a version of Hika running on a live site and on the admin section when we roll over the hikashop component menu item, we see a flyout menu of the sub menus within the component.
currently with the bug we've run into on the beta site, we don't see that (see below):
now when we click on the hikashop menu item under the component section, we get an error:
404 - An error has occurred.
Component not found
Return to Control Panel
Any ideas? the actual store still is working on the front end, and all seems to be in place in the FTP directory.