Hello ~
I just updated our Hikashop to version 2.1 Business after running 1.5.6 Business for over a year. After the update I notice some weirdness going on. The biggest issue is on the checkout page, the "States" drop down now has cities from France available for selection only. Previously, the default and only country was set for the USA, and USA States were the only available options under "States". The default and only country is still the USA on the checkout page.
Otherwise some of the options under configuration>display were not changing on the front end after making and saving these changes. Also, when I switch from "Simple Registration" to "No Registrations", again there was not changes visible on the checkout page after saving.
I re-installed the Hikashop 2.1 component, and tried switching templates... no luck. I had back up the website before the update, so I restored the backup and installed Hika 2.1 again, and had the same results. So with the update, new customers cannot order because they cannot select the State they live in.
I looked through the forum and did not see anyone else who experience this issue. I do see this release is from 2-2-2013, is this an un-discovered bug, or have I done something wrong here?
Thank you in advance for your help and insight.