Hi Xavier.
Thanks for letting me know.
A side question about custom text from the order table.
How can I exactly get the content from that field.
I tried the following and I CAN get the full_price and order_number but NOT the custom text field.
$order_id = $data->order_id;
$orderClass = hikashop_get('class.order');
$order = $orderClass->loadFullOrder($order_id,false, false);
echo "<br>Order_number: ".$order->order_number;
echo "<br>Order_fullprice: ".$order->order_full_price;
echo "<br>order_custom: ".$order->customtext_93_13_25_34."<br>";
When i use print_r I can see most order_ fields but not the custom text field.
Also in the database I can find it under _hikashop_field but NOT in _hikashop_order
The main reason I was trying to use this custom text field was to add custom intro text in the message.