sorry to not have a solution yet. been working with the hosting company back and forth. This is the latest from them...
Hello Christopher,
I was able to recreate the issue but I am afraid that I cannot tell you why the submitted data is processed and converted to one hour less than the submitted.
What I can say for sure is that the PHP scripts of your account are configured to use UTC/GMT -8 hours timezone, which is the timezone in LA.
You can confirm this with this simple script, which I created for you:
The code used in this script only converts the unix timestamp to human readable format:
echo "Time now is: ".date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A',time());
I have created this script to reflect on the moderator's last response in the thread, to which you referred:
For the server settings you would have to seek advice with your hosting company if you don't know where to look.
To be perfectly specific, the timezone is properly set for your PHP scripts, and I don't see any PHP setting on the server that can convert this way the data you submit. For me personally, this is an issue with the component, and a confirmation for this is that if you leave the field Product available from blank, the submitted data is saved properly. If it was an issue caused by server-side setting both fields would have been affected, regardless if one of them is blank, as they both relate to timestamp value.
My advise is to check back with the component's developers. Since they are unable to recreate the issue, you might need to allow them access so they can troubleshoot the situation. Still, this should be discussed with them as I cannot know what access credentials would they need, I can only assume.
Best Regards,
David S.