Thank you for bearing with us. Such debugging is quite complex to do and we're having a hard time just keeping up with "easy" support so I hadn't the time to look at the issue until now.
Please add the code:
$quantity_for_same_main_product =& $this->_getGlobalQuantityOfVariants($cartContent,$product,$cart_product_id_for_product);
$in_excess = $quantity_for_same_main_product-$product->product_quantity;
$quantity_for_same_main_product=$quantity_for_same_main_product - $in_excess;
$quantity_for_same_main_product=$quantity_for_same_main_product - $quantity;
after the line:
$product->product_quantity = $parentProduct->product_quantity;
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/cart.php and that should fix the problem (it did on my tests). Please let us know how it goes so that we can publish a hot fix build of the new version or continue to work on the issue.