Please edit the file "administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php" and replace
$query = 'SELECT b.*,a.* FROM '.hikashop_table('file').' AS a LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('download').' AS b ON b.order_id='.$order->order_id.' AND a.file_id = b.file_id WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$filters).' ORDER BY file_ref_id ASC, file_ordering, file_pos ASC';
$query = 'SELECT b.*,a.* FROM '.hikashop_table('file').' AS a LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('download').' AS b ON b.order_id='.$order->order_id.' AND a.file_id = b.file_id WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$filters).' ORDER BY a.file_ref_id ASC, a.file_ordering ASC, b.file_pos ASC';
And please check that your table "hikashop_download" right contain a column named "file_pos".
HikaShop 2.3.2 now contain a new feature called "database check", the button is available in the HikaShop configuration toolbar. This feature can help you to create the missing columns in the tables (if you had problems during an HikaShop update).