nicolas wrote: Hi,
It's because the system which updates the variants code bases itself on the fact that the variants code have a specific format. When you copy a product, it's variants have a _copyXXXX text appended to the variants code which makes it impossible for the system to updates the variants code to do its magic.
Change the line:
$copy->product_code = $copy->product_code.'_copy'.rand();
$copy->product_code = str_replace($this->template->product_code,$newProduct->product_code,$copy->product_code);
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/import.php and that should avoid the issue for new products you copy after the change.
Thank so much this worked perfectly! It makes more sense for the system to process stuff like this especially for copying products, might be worth putting it in the next update?
Ugh, I just realized you can do a mass product import using a preset product template and a CSV, Maybe it might be good idea to highlight this feature a bit more so it stands out as I think it's a little lost down at the bottom.