A simple solution will be to remove the block of code:
if(!empty($this->fields)) {
<div id="hikashop_product_custom_info_<?php echo $variant_name; ?>" style="display:none;">
<h4><?php echo JText::_('SPECIFICATIONS'); ?></h4>
<table class="hikashop_product_custom_info_<?php echo $variant_name; ?>">
$this->fieldsClass->prefix = '';
foreach($this->fields as $fieldName => $oneExtraField) {
if(empty($variant->$fieldName) && !empty($this->element->main->$fieldName)) {
$variant->$fieldName = $this->element->main->$fieldName;
$variant->$fieldName = trim($variant->$fieldName);
if(!empty($variant->$fieldName) || (isset($variant->$fieldName) && $variant->$fieldName === '0')) {
<tr class="hikashop_product_custom_<?php echo $oneExtraField->field_namekey; ?>_line">
<td class="key">
<span id="hikashop_product_custom_name_<?php echo $oneExtraField->field_id; ?>_<?php echo $variant_name; ?>" class="hikashop_product_custom_name"><?php echo $this->fieldsClass->getFieldName($oneExtraField); ?></span>
<span id="hikashop_product_custom_value_<?php echo $oneExtraField->field_id; ?>_<?php echo $variant_name; ?>" class="hikashop_product_custom_value"><?php echo $this->fieldsClass->show($oneExtraField,$variant->$fieldName); ?></span>
from the file product / show.php for your frontend template via the menu Display>Views.
The modification will be saved as a template override and will remove the HTML of the specifications for each variant and thus it will keep the specifications area as you see it by default, even after you change the selected variant.