Digital Downloads

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13 years 11 months ago #10826


Just downloaded the free version and i must say i am very impressed

I can see how to add a file as a download and how to add the extension as mp3 but


to have the shopper play a small sample of the track that they want to buy ?

Easily and not messily as the track is there already :woohoo:

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13 years 11 months ago #10848


HikaShop is compatible with joomla content plugins so you can use normal joomla audio players in the description of your products:
You can either use mp3 player content plugins and add a specific tag in the description of your products, or use mp3 player modules and use the loadposition plugin of joomla to insert the modules instances in your product descriptions:

So that means that you will have to first cut your mp3s so that the short version can be played by the player.

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13 years 11 months ago #10858

Thanks for the reply but that is messy as say i have 1000mp3's, if i want a sample clip i now need 2000mp3's which seems pointless when the original file is there

And that's not easy as i need another player

I was kinda hoping to do it natively within hika so perhaps playing sample clips for mp3 downloads should be something hika could consider for the future ?

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13 years 11 months ago #10871

I understand that it's not the best solution possible but there is no other solution for now.
Integrating an mp3 player into hikashop is not planned as most users would not need it and it would render the hikashop install package heavier.

Did you check all the mp3 players plugins/moules for joomla ? Maybe some of them propose a function where you can just specify the full mp3 and it will limit the playing time to only a portion of the file...

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13 years 11 months ago #10885

I havent found one where i can play just a sample of the file :(

If you google it then there is a fair bit of discussion on it and interest but not alot available

Only 1 joomla extension that offers this but it also does the sale of mp3s, this isnt any good if you also want to sell cd's by post and download iso's as well

Shame :(

I will carry on researching !

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13 years 11 months ago #10888

Let us know what you find.

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13 years 11 months ago #11071

1000 or 10,000 MP3 files, can be listed simply with jDownloads or Phoca Download by publishing them into hidden menu. Both have editor button for linking exact file or whole folder to the content. Or you can simply add it with Playlists to each author - album.

If I hear one demo of X-Fusion will buy them all, don't need demo for each song :)

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13 years 11 months ago #11145

I really dont see how thats an easy solution for Hika Shop for me to sell downloads and have sample tracks

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13 years 11 months ago #11178

jDownloads have simple one click option to add all files listed in the directory (FS) to the database, via the content plugin u can insert the demo song.

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12 years 11 months ago #43837

Hi, although the topic is 1 year old, this is my first post here and I am not of the mentality to open new forum threads for the same subject. So I would like to add some things to this you are talking.

First of all, I will soon create a digital download store for a record label. The Label wants to sell all kinds of audio formats, including all possible bitrates, mp3, flac, for example, a flac at 24bit 96khz. This means that this file is going to be kinda large for a single song if the length is say a 10 minutes track. This also means that it's preview player button on the frontend of the site should not play audio from this file, but a chosen lower quality one, actually cut-sample of less than 3 or 2 minutes (upon company choice), for various of reasons, some of them are:

> The original product file will be huge to start fast on the player, this will cause the shopper to think the site is broken. It will also kill bandwidth (not recommended at all).
> It is kind of a standard that the artist or the label chooses the best area of a track to present online or on ads, like on youtube.
> A short sample always makes the shopper interested to buy, once not enough, when it is 2 minutes as well as cut. (A song for sale should never play full. Only cut sample).
> Lowering the quality doesn't mean to make it freaking bad, we are in 2012, but never at top quality on the shop for performance reasons mostly.

When I was using virtuemart for this, I was using joomla content plugins and add code in the short description etc, doing everything manually. What I would like to see from HikaShop is the following:

> A full downloadable product file (with it's browse button)
> An short preview sample file (with it's browse button just under the full)
> To extend this, some made-ready-ability to “enable” an external audio player joomla plugin within HikaShop configuration.

As a result after save-product, refresh the frontend, and the | PLAY | DOWNLOAD | buttons are ready, same as it would happen uploading images.

Those 3 would make the webmaster's life very easy, no need to copy paste filenames, add {file.mp3} codes in descriptions and all that lame oldschool coder mess.

You may consider for the future to even make a script that will do the following, after the downloadable file gets uploaded on server:
> Choose a random say, 3 minute area from the middle of the song (time length user defined in configuration), and convert it on the fly to also a user defined bitrate/quality. This way the webmaster will only need to upload just 1 file, the original product. And there can be a radio button choice in configuration, like:

> Auto-Generate Audio Preview Sample (Edit Settings)
> Do Not Auto-Generate Preview (Use Custom Audio File, Manual Upload)
> Disable Audio Preview Option.

>>> I would also find intelligent to let the short preview sample file (with it's browse button) within the backend product page in all cases, to serve as an “upload and replace preview file at any time”.

I have tested HikaShop just for about an hour, looks promising although many features are in the pro version only.

Thanks and wishes for the best to all and of course to HikaShop

I would also like to ask if HikaShop is already able to do the following:
> Make say 8 individual downloadable products (mp3 individual tracks), but also to create an “Album” which will contain those tracks/products as a whole, with a title, different price even etc. Like Parent/Child products on the same page as a track-listing with the BUY button on each track.

Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by orasis.

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12 years 11 months ago #44030

Thank you for your feedback on a possible audio sample feature.

You could add your tracks as "related products" of your album product:

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10 years 3 months ago #179877

actual for me too somebody have solution with music preview?

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10 years 3 months ago #179893

Besides what I posted at the beginning of this thread I don't know of anything else.

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9 years 2 weeks ago #230915

Dear HikaShop

I am also searching for an easy option to sell digital files - both music files, text and graphic.
I am happy to pay for this option to have a nice preview build into HikaShop - something like:
- just do it and people will buy it (including me).

Kind Regards

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9 years 2 weeks ago #230925


There exist several content plugins to add previews of files in HikaShop. Wouldn't that be an easy solution for you ?

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1 year 3 months ago #357395

Can you please give us a mp3 solution with examples and installation instructions for hikashop?

Please, please, please!

For the love of the World, please create a solution for mp3 and digital downloads. That work.

I am a paying customer for years, I'm begging for help, if that helps motivate you all.

Don't be stubborn or mad or feel any kind of way but positive as we love hikashop but, You can clearly see the need for this mp3 solution as people are asking.

Paying customers are asking.

I'd like to simply upload a mp3 or video, put the price and save. Once saved it should simply show in the store as a clickable player.

Please help us.

You all have developed 8 versions of hikashop since customers have asked for a mp3 solution.

We pay for hikashop yearly, but you refer us to somewhere else to spend more money.

Please help fix the hikashop mp3 problem.

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1 year 3 months ago #357423


Thanks for your feedback.

We've put this on the back burner for a while, indeed.
We'll be working on something for it. I've started the work today.
We should be able to have a solution by the end of the week.

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1 year 3 months ago #357469

This would be appreciated!

Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by citybuzzdigital.

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1 year 3 months ago #357476


We worked on this for the past 2 days and released the plugin here:

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1 year 2 months ago #357683

This is AWESOME!

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