Hi guys,
I've heavily modified the Order_status_notification email to send details to the buyer. I've sent a few forum posts to you which have been incredibly helpful!
I need to repeat the customer user name but am unable to get it to display again. I've tried various things as listed below.
<?php echo JText::sprintf('HI_CUSTOMER',@$data->customer->name); ?> - copied the code you have in the beginning of the email.
Then tried these.....
Test 1<?php echo JText::sprintf('HI_CUSTOMER',@$data->customer->name); ?> </br>
Test 2<?php echo $data->customer->name; ?></br>
Test 3<?php echo $data->customer->user_email; ?> </br>
Name: <?php echo $data->recipient_name; ?></br>
Voucher #: <?php echo $data->order_id; ?><br />
And finally.....
Goals: to display both the purchaser's name and the gift recipients' name
//$productClass = hikashop::get('class.users');
//echo JText::sprintf('HI_CUSTOMER',@$data->customer->user);
//echo $data->customer->user_id;
$class = hikashop::get('class.order');
echo "This is the user_id in hikashop>order table: " . $data->order_user_id . "<br />";
//echo $data->customer->user_id;
//$class = hikashop::get('class.user');
//echo "name " .$data->customer->user;
How can I display the user name?
I hope this is enough detail, I have also attached a screenshot of the mock up layout. I have the majority of the information now, it's just a matter of getting the user name or gift recipient to display.
Thank you in advance,