When the orders are created / confirmed email(s) are sent by the hikashop system, but the email content only provides a link to see the order details, (meaning multiple email addresses separated by commas in the configuration require that each recipient (1) has a Joomla Backend Login Acct and that each person MUST go online and login, rather than simply printing out the email with the account info). The shipping address is required to fulfill an order, so I am VERY surprised that such a simple and critical part of the e-com shop would have been skipped over in the development. Why not include the order details in the email that is sent to admins?
Is there no way to have the order information (customer name, products ordered, and shipping address) included in the automated emails sent by HikaShop to the store admins?
My clients are ready to scrap the hikashop site that I spent hours, pro bono, building for them, just for this one reason. I have always used Virtuemart (multiple sites I have built over the years), and now am considering abandoning any ideas of using the HikaShop component again.
I have searched for answers on the forum, and surprised that no one else seems to see this as a huge problem.