nicolas wrote: Hi,
You can change the line:
$lienredir = urlencode(base64_encode('index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout'));
$lienredir = urlencode(base64_encode('
in the code posted above.
Thank you. Can you help me just one step further? As I do not know how to do this. What I want is a custom button to empty the card, and then return to a specifiec page. I managed to empty the cart with this code:
<a class="btnbtn-rich" href="<?php echo hikashop::completeLink('product&task=cleancart'); ?>">Start over</a>
But now I want an extra button somewhere else that brings the user back to '
' after pressing the custom 'empty cart button".
I just do not understand how to integrate your suggested code into the code. Can you add the return url for me into:
<a class="btnbtn-rich" href="<?php echo hikashop::completeLink('product&task=cleancart'); ?>">Start over</a>
Or suggest a tutorial where I can learn about it? I have googled but can't find any suitable.