Hikashop Essentials / Joomla 1.6
We just had a bit of a time with one customer who could not get her head around the billing address / shipping address process. She found it very confusing (others have commented too).
We have taken out the code as Nicolas suggested in the address view template to untick the "use same address for shipping" which has helped slightly but still looks confusing especially once the shipping address is put in. What I think would be ideal for us would be if once the buyer has entered the billing address and unticks the box, they are immediately presented with an address input window for the shipping address. Once the shipping address is in and the window closes we have the billing address on the left and the shipping address on the right. What we have at the moment is both addresses in both sections and the buyer still has then to choose the correct one in each. Despite being walked through the process, our buyer today still managed to get the addresses swapped around
Is this possible or can I request this goes on the todo list please.
Many thanks, Jeff.