You have 3 solutions:
1. Set the same english name and name in your zones. The system will detect that and won't put the name in parenthesis. It's a good solution if you have a limited number of countries.
2. Do the above automatically by running the query below in your phpMyAdmin:
UPDATE jos_hikashop_zone SET zone_name=zone_english_name WHERE 1;
It's easy to do and you won't have anything to do when you update.
3. Remove the code:
if($zone->zone_name_english != $zone->zone_name){
$title.=' ('.$zone->zone_name.')';
from the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/field.php. That's easy to do but then, when you update HikaShop, you will have to reapply the modification as that file is a core file of HikaShop.