Ah I'm already back, with more questions!
1. When I'm viewing an order, under “Additional Information” > “Shipping”, it is showing two options.
A. “Post Flat Rate” which I created with the Hikashop manual shipping plugin via System > Shipping Methods.
B. “Australia Post Standard” which is showing from the Hikashop Australia Post shipping plugin which has the "standard" box ticked.
Now I don't have option B published, it doesn't show on the frontend, but still shows it as a drop down item/menu, when you're viewing a order in the backend. Not really too fused I guess, but prefer that only the shipping options I create/published be shown, yet its showing both? I assume this is a bug or issue missed? Not that big of a deal, but I noticed it.
2. How do you add an image to an invoice?
3. On the main Hikashop Control Panel, “Sales over last 30 days”, it seems to count/add the final total/invoice amount, even if the order has been canceled or refunded. Is there any way for the graph to only count if the order has been set to “shipped”? I don't see the point of counting a sale if you didn't actually receive/confirm payment (due to customer not going through with paypal for example)? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how the graph displays/works?
4. I added into Products > Characteristics, "Size", put two size options, no worries. The frontend displays the drop down tab for size (along with stock levels for each size, awesome!), but after selecting a size and adding it to cart, the drop down tab resets to the top, can you make it stay on the size/option selected rather than return to the top? Really not that big of a deal. Actually don't worry about it.
Also noticed if you don't add characteristics, and just put a quantity of stock in the product page, it doesn't show the stock level on the frontend? Is there an option to show it or?
Also forgot where/how to change the style of the drop down tab to say a button style, ideas? I did see it once, so I know its an option, but can't find it, argh... ah just found it again, system > configuration > display > "Characteristics selection method"
5. I've set cart to "mini cart" via display > content modules > shopping cart. On the frontend, in the checkout page where you address, shipping method, and products you've ordered, can the button to continue to the payment module such as Paypal say “but it now”, or “proceed to payment”,or whatever you like, rather than “next”.
6. General question, how long do sales orders stay in the system, can you automatically delete or archive them within 3, 6, or 12 months? This will also delete the order from the customers control panel via the front end, eg > your account > orders, correct?
7. The automatic email of "We are pleased to confirm the creation of your order No. X20 (
[]=20&Itemid=115 )
on the 16 June 2011 at 19:27 ", any way to remove the part I've underlined/larger text?
Just looks messy, the rest is fine! (Edit: Actually I assume that is the "text" version is being sent when an order is placed, not a html version, if so, wheres the setting to change it to HTML? I read
this but I think its dated
, I'm using the latest free version)