Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for your support, I tried using Rokbox and it temporarily works but for some reason, there still is an issue when I click on a second image. The first image works, but then whether if I click on a arrow -or- just the second image, there is a white blank popup and in the caption there is just "href".
I know RokBox is a completely different product and you can't control 1.6 / browser issues......just that Firefox is a popular browser and for it to not work with it is quite frustrating. If it's IE, then it wouldn't be so bad. lol.
Anyways, I implemented the code:
function hikashop_image_link_render(& $obj, $path, $addPopUp, $optionslink, $html) {
return '<a rel="rokbox (Album)" title="'.$alt. '" target="_blank" href="'.$obj->uploadFolder_url. $path.'" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this, {parse: \'rel\'}) return false;"'. $optionslink .'>'.$html. '</a>';
function hikashop_small_image_link_render(& $obj, $path, $addPopUp, $optionslink, $html) {
return '<a class="hikashop_image_small_link" rel="rokbox (Album)" title="'.$alt. 'href="'.$obj->uploadFolder_url. $path.'" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this, {parse: \'rel\'}) return false;" target="_blank" onmouseover="return hikashopChangeImage(\''. $addPopUp. '\', \''. $obj->uploadFolder_url_thumb. '\', \''. $obj->thumbnail_x. '\' , \''. $obj->thumbnail_y. '\', this); "'. $optionslink .'>'. $html.' </ a> ';
I also followed the steps to include in the html template override and installed RokBox. Is there anything I else I can do or are we just screwed until either Firefox or 1.6 comes with an update?