I did the plugin and it is kind of working.
You can install it as a normal plugin and then you have to enable it.
It sends an email to all SuperAdministrator with the same information that is sent when the user uses joomla registration.
If the user uses Hikashop registration, the admin will receive one mail, the one from the plugin.
But if the user uses normal joomla registration it should receive two emails. One from joomla and another from the plugin.
In my case is not a problem because I substituted all registries with the one from hikashop. But this could be a problem.
Ok, I said it is kind of working, because I could not make JText::_ to work in the plugin, so the ACCOUNT_DETAILS_FOR for the subject and the SEND_MSG_ADMIN for the body is fix on a variable and not using the languages files.
Maybe Nicolas can help on solving this so the plugin can be widely used by Hikashop community.