Hi, and congrats to a well written shop! I still have a lot to learn about the hikashop features, but there is one thing that I can't figure out. Or maybe it's not an option? If it isn't, it sure would be a nifty feature to add!
I would like to see a module, or possibly a menu item choice that can allow new customers to access the registration form without first having to place items in the shopping cart.
If this is possible, please let me know how. The standard Joomla registration form feels way to incomplete since you can't add address, phone etc. there. I want my customers to be able to sign up once and then be done, but I don't want to scare them away by asking them to first add items before signing up.
On another note - I made a bunch of changes to the file components/com_hikashop/css/frontend_default.css to make the content look good on my site. That was easy but took a good bit of time. Of course, one day later, I upgraded to the latest version of hikashop and all of my changes were lost/overwritten. Any way to keep custom settings/modifications while upgrading? Just asking!