I know there are a couple of threads, but I wanted to make sure I have the right lists names.
Here is how I have my current list:
quantity, Product_code, product_category, parent category,main category, sub category, product_size,Product_Name, Product_Description, Product_Price.
1, 0.375AcrylicPClear1 , Material For Sale , Acrylic Paper Mask , Clear,3/8,8.5 inches x 74.5 inches , 3/8 Acrylic Paper Mask Clear 8.5 inches x 74.5 inches , 3/8 Clear Acrylic Paper Mask dimensions for this product are 8.5 inches x 74.5 inches, 54.41
Am I missing anything, and for sizes what standard does it need to be to import properly. Do I need to have currency in there or will it automatically pick usd.