You are talking about changing it so the code is variable shipping correct? This is my minor concern.
My primary issue that I am talking about is the entire string of code, so that when a customer orders through google checkout all of the information from my beautiful hika shop transfers over to google, including item description, item price, item quantity etc.
so my question is, if this code works -
$data = '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'.'>'."\n";
$data .= '<checkout-shopping-cart xmlns="">&l...<items>';
foreach($order->cart->products as $product){
$data .= '<item><item-name>Order #'.$order->order_id.' - '.$product->order_product_name.'</item-name><item-description></item-description><unit-price currency="'.$currency->currency_code.'">'.$product->order_product_price.'</unit-
$data .= '<item><item-name>Order #'.$order->order_id.' - Shipping</item-name><item-description></item-description>
<unit-price currency="'.$currency->currency_code.'">'.$order->order_shipping_price.'</unit-price><quantity>1</quantity></item>';
$data .= '</items></shopping-cart><checkout-flow-support><merchant-checkout-flow-support/></checkout-flow-support></checkout-shopping-cart>';
Where in this document - plugins/hikashoppayment/googlecheckout.php do I put the above code? So that hika shop communicates to google all of the order information including item description, quantity, etc. This is my primary concern please help me out with specifics,like what do I need to do - just add it anywhere, or replace lines, or put it in a specfic place, or what?