We have a documentation which explains how you can create your own plugin with our API:
You will be able to use the event onAfterOrderUpdate(&$order,&$send_email) to know when an order is updated.
There, you can have something like this:
$confirmed = $config->get('order_confirmed_status');
//if order status is not updated skip
if(!isset($order->order_status)) return true;
$mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
return true;
//The order is confirmed, select all items from this order
$db->setQuery('SELECT a.order_product_code as product, a.order_product_quantity as quantity FROM `#__hikashop_order_product` as a WHERE a.order_id = '.(int) $order->order_id);
$allProducts = $db->loadObjectList();
//your code which do something with the products information