Hi again,
So, I have Hikashop Business v1.1.1 and AcyMailing Business v1.5.2, and I created a product category
called: GIFT CERTIFICATES, and a product called: GIFT CERTIFICATES.
In the product GIFT CERTIFICATES, I have 6 prices - different levels of pricing:
$25, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200.
I fill in the rest of the page, and I save this product.
When I copy / paste, the Add to Cart HTML Link, into a browser, I do get a page to come up
with it is with only 1 price listed: $25, where is the option to pick one of the other 5 prices??
Dropdown would be acceptable even though I would prefer radio buttons or etc...
P.S.: I'm using the Add to Cart HTML link that I am placing in an AcyMailing newsletter.