You have one shipping fee per order. So even if you have several products in your order, or several shipping methods to select from, you will always have only one shiping fee applied to the order.
If you need to have the shipping fee vary based on the number of products in the order, you should create several shipping methods and put limits on them with different prices. Suppose that all your products weight 1kg and that you want to charge €5 per product :
shipping method 1 from 0 to 1.5kg €5
shipping method 2 from 1.5kg to 2.5kg €10
shipping method 3 from 2.5kg to 3.5kg €15
shipping method 4 from 3.5kg to 4.5kg €20
Alternatively, you can also use the percentage fee option in your shipping methods so that the fess will vary based on the price of the order without having to set several shipping methods.