Say, thanks for the quick reply!
That was actually the first thing I tried but it wouldn't work.
Caching is not on.
I also tried pasting this whole block of code into various other view files, but I don't know my way around very well yet:
if( isset($this->row->product_weight) && bccomp($this->row->product_weight,0,3)){
$weight_price = $price->price_value_with_tax / $this->row->product_weight;
echo JText::_('PRICE_SEPARATOR').'<span class="hikashop_product_price_per_weight_unit">('.$this->currencyHelper->format($weight_price,$price->price_currency_id).' / '.JText::_($this->row->product_weight_unit).')</span>';
Any other ideas?
UPDATE: It does work, if I comment out
though that sort of hinders the admin screen fucntion I guess