First... Great product & very easy to implement!
AuthorizeNet AIM Integration... How far away?
- The AIM solution provides a better customer experience
- The use is kept within the website (stronger branding, less confusion, expected US user experience)
- Every eCommerce (over the past 10 years) solution we've implemented uses AIM
- This would also allow the Order status to be automatically updated to CONFIRMED
Simplified Checkout Process
- Added Products to Shopping Cart -- Works fine
- Checkout -- Works fine
- Login/Create Account -- Works fine (How about not having to create an account?)
- Verify Account -- Extra Step? Is this necessary? Can we remove this step?
- AIM Checkout would be ideal
- Online receipt, Email Client, Email Administrator
FYI... These two needs are critical for a new site & 3 upcoming sites
I like the product & I am prepared to purchase the HikaShop Business for each.
Thanks... ALPESH