unfortunately I cant find any solution to this issue:
My website is provided in three languages: german, english and czech.
I am using Joomfish v.2.0.4 for translation and displaying of translated content.
When I installed Hikashop Essential, it detected the languages right and I saved the general Hikashop-texts in the three languages. The settings in the Hikashop language configuration are "active language edit->YES" and "automatic publish translations"->YES"
I have added some products and created descriptions/content in all three languages using the translation interface of Hikashop. When I now change the language in the front end, the language of the general content of Hikashop changes (e.g. "add to cart"-botton), BUT all content I have translated myself (product descriptions, titles, categories) allways remains in the default language!!!
Is there some additional configuration I have to make, so that the Translations get active?
Please help me!