-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.4.8
-- PHP version -- : 5.6
I created an additional field when ordering through the basket. And i want when the person their fills so that they appear in the letter at the mail.
INSERT INTO `cwi8p_hikashop_address` (`address_id`, `address_user_id`, `address_title`, `address_firstname`, `address_middle_name`, `address_lastname`, `address_company`, `address_street`, `address_street2`, `address_post_code`, `address_city`, `address_telephone`, `address_telephone2`, `address_fax`, `address_state`, `address_country`, `address_published`, `address_vat`, `address_default`, `mlstrana`, `mldostavka`, `mlotdelenie`, `mlgorod`, `mlgoroda`, `mlindex`, `mloblast`, `mlulichay`, `mldom`, `mldostavkaross`, `mlindexross`, `mloblastross`, `mlgorodross`, `mlulichayross`, `mldomross`, `mldostavkabel`, `mlindexbel`, `mloblastbel`, `mlgorodbel`, `mlulichaybel`, `mldombel`, `mlgorodnewpost`) VALUES
вот мои поля из mysql
where I can be fit? which file. I thought they should be automatically added to the mail