Il y a en effet un petit oublis dans cette page de documentation même si cela est indiqué dans les différentes pages parlant des champs personnalisés.
NOTE : In order to configure your Mondial Relay Hikashop plugin, you must have a good knowledge of custom field configuration, here, you will find all there is to know about custom fields setup.
Pointant sur une page indiquant que:
Order custom fields: you will be able to personalize the information you can also gather from your customers when they order something on your store. But the difference with the previous type of custom field is that these fields appear on the checkout in the fields view. For example, You can ask them information about the delivery or the payment or a "comments to the shop" field. Then, you will find this information on the order details and/or the orders listing on the back end. This is only available in the business version of HikaShop.
Les champs personnalisés de type "order" ne sont disponible que dans la version Business d'HikaShop.
La version Essential propose les champs de type "product", "user", "category" et "contact".