En fait le problème est que l'url change constamment et donc ça ne peut pas aller avec 4SEF...
Voici la réponse de weeblr. Cela ne m'arrange pas du tout...
This url is never the same, depending of order...
Yep, so this cannot work with 4SEF. URLs have to be built and stored into the database or else they trigger a 404.
I am very surprised of this because of course Hikashop has been working for years with 4SEF (and before that with sh404SEF for the last 15 years) and this has never been an issue.
I think maybe Hikashop has changed the Stripe return URL format (to have a fully SEF URL) and forgot about database-backed SEF extensions such as 4SEF?
The only way to make this work is to configure Hikashop to be "bypassed" in 4SEF:
- Configuration | Extensions | Hikashop
- Select Bypass under Process mode
But if you do that, it's like you don't have 4SEF anymore, you should as well uninstall it.
I'd very strongly suggest to talk to the Hikashop folks, copy/paste the content of this message and try and understand why the URL is now SEF (or what it was before).
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
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