The problem probably comes from this:
Stripe expects the total amount to be provided with the smallest possible unit in the currency.
So for example, in USD, if the total amount is 12,34 USD, the plugin has to send the value 1234 to Stripe.
But if the total amount is 1234 JPY, then the plugin has to send the value 1234 to Stripe.
Since most currencies only have 2 decimals, the plugin must simply multiply the total amount by 100 regardless of the currency being used. This would require modifying the code of the plugin to take into account the currency's fractional digits setting when generating the value to be sent to Stripe.
Our partner Obsidev actually also sells a Stripe plugin on our marketplace here:
In this plugin, the code properly takes the currency fractional digits into account to round the amount accordingly for zero decimals currencies:
$amount = round($total, 2) * 100;
if((int)$currency->currency_locale['int_frac_digits'] == 0)
$amount = round($total, 0);
So if you plan on using Stripe with the JPY currency, and knowing the Ignisdev support is not answering, I would recommend using instead the plugin on our marketplace.