sammyboy1 wrote: Hi
The website you have designed look great please can you tell me how you have put the word 'Details' on each products above add to cart or choose options which then clicks through to all the info about the product. I think it is very clever and would like to use it on the site I am designing
I hope you can tell me how you did it
Thank you.
First of all, this was done using "image and title view".
I include this code in the following file:
Display > Views
product / listing_image_title
The button code is
<a href="<?php echo $link;?>" class="hikashop_cart_button">Details</a>
Basically you add it to the place where you want the button to appear.
Below is an example used in my website:
<span class="hikashop_product_name">
<?php if($this->params->get('link_to_product_page',1)){ ?>
<a href="<?php echo $link;?>">
<?php }
echo $this->row->product_name;
if($this->params->get('link_to_product_page',1)){ ?>
<?php } ?>
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"><a href="<?php echo $link;?>" class="hikashop_cart_button">Details</a></div>
Note that this only work on a single language (English) site.